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Home Games Nanny Mania 2
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Simulation 3D Virtual WorldTime ManagementModern SettingCompetitive Big Fish
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Challenge your time management skills with various tasks

Clean and help out around the house of an A-list star

Keep yourself busy for hours on end inside different homes

Cleaning up is rarely fun to do but this is where Nanny Mania 2 Goes to Hollywood puts the fun in doing mundane, everyday chores. Following Emma’s adventures from the original Nanny Mania, she moves on to the home of Sophia Ashford, a wealthy 25 year old who is completely overwhelmed with her family. It’s now up to you and Emma to make sure that this family has a home with beds made, clean floors, washed dishes and dry clothing so step up to the plate and let the cleaning begin!

Players are introduced to the rooms of the house, where untidy things needing your attention are highlighted in red. Fortunately, these are much easier to clean in comparison to the real life mess we deal with in our own houses. To get Emma to start her chores, simply approach the item you wish to clean and click on it and within a few seconds you have finished your task. However, be wary of the people coming in and out of the house as they continually make a mess by wandering the home.

Don’t fret as you can keep clinking on items in advance and Emma will attend to them in the order in which you clicked them. But if you don’t want the extra work, players can also intercept the mess makers but stopping them before the dust cloud settles. At the bottom of the play area, there lies the progress bar and tells players the time left in the game, the perfect time, the score, the amount of mess left and the chaos and order meter. These serve as a guide to the player’s tasks and an indication of their performance in that level.

Some tasks require multiple steps to complete, such as the laundry where you have to switch it over to the drier after washing it and then you put the clothes away. Tasks such as this will get you extra rewards and you earn a combo bonus for doing things in one big chain. Pets are also introduced to this sequel and will add on more to the already messy family dynamics of the house. They behave just like the kids do, making a mess but less often. However, the dog can make a lot of noise and will need to be clicked in order to quiet down.

Should you need a boost of speed then coffee or tea is the way to go, which works in conjunction with arrows that guide you to tasks allowing for faster completion of the level. If players work fast enough then they’ll get the perfect time bonus and finish well before the countdown timer runs out, players can also replay levels again should they want a better time.

Nanny Mania 2 Goes to Hollywood uses cartoon-like style in their graphics and have given players several houses to work on with various layouts and styles. They’ve also managed to incorporate good, calming music as well as appropriate sound effects to accompany players in cleaning rooms.

In conclusion, Nanny Mania 2 Goes to Hollywood is a time management game full of fun and challenging tasks that require the player to keep up with a fast pace. And although the tasks may seem easy at first, it is up to the player how hard it really gets as they fight against the time and take the further step in achieving perfect time in every level. So don’t waste any time, start your cleaning adventure with Nanny Mania 2 Goes to Hollywood and see the satisfaction in keeping things tidy! Nanny Mania 2 Summary

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